Watch out: Discrimination
The fate of refugees then and now in Israel, Poland and Germany –
A trilateral project Poland-Israel-Germany

Topic and program
We intend to look at the situation of refugees and the impact it has on their lives, their future and on the fate and future of their children. We would also like the participants to become more aware of discriminatory behavior towards refugees and to help the participants to find ways to act in their communities and to create awareness in others.
We will produce an exhibition and a blog to present the results of the project:
Here you find the project blog:
We would like to concentrate our attention on the way Poland and Germany and Israel are dealing, or not dealing, with the social task of integrating refugees, in the past and now. We want to know which big waves of refugees took place in these countries, which were the reasons therefore and what is the legal situation of immigrants now. We will learn based on individual fates (also fates of families in our own groups) how flight influenced the lives of the refugees, their future and the future of their children. We want to know which forms of discrimination the refugees suffered/suffer and what are the main reasons for that. We will also learn how to strength our own intercultural competences to help current and future refugees in our environment to become better integrated and to act non discriminating.
Hilla/Jerusalem, Israel (13. – 22. April 2017)
- Talking to Holocaust survivors in Ein Hamifratz. "Being a refugee"
- Workshop: participant's experiences with flight and refugees
- Visiting Masada, Dead Sea and going to Jerusalem
- Visiting the Old town of Jerusalem
- Discussing the legal situation of migration in Israel, Poland and Germany
- Conceptual planning of the exhibition
Magdeburg, Germany (7. – 12. August 2017)
- Presentation of the country specific results from the preparation phase (photos, interviews)
- Working on the exhibition (selection of stories and photos, framing of photos)
- Working on the exhibition (translation of interviews, framing of photos)
- Workshop with unaccompanied underage refugees from clearing point Magdeburg
Strzegom, Poland (13. – 17. August 2017)
- Working on the exhibition (translation, designing, formulating introduction)
- Working on the exhibition (finalizing)
- Visiting Wroclaw (2016 European Capital of Culture)
- Workshop: How to strengthen our own intercultural competence?
- ½ – 1 Seite Motivationsschreiben and Frau Dr. Büttner bis 15.12.2016
- Projektsprache ist Englisch

Dr. Bettina Büttner
E-Mail: b.buettner [at]
Das Projekt wird gefördert im Programm EUROPEANS FOR PEACE der Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“ (EVZ).
Hinweis: Diese Veröffentlichung stellt keine Meinungsäußerung der Stiftung EVZ dar. Für inhaltliche Aussagen trägt der Autor bzw. tragen die Autoren die Verantwortung.
Gefördert durch
das Deutsch-Polnische Jugendwerk.
Gefördert durch
das Kultusministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.